To protect yourself and your business, you need a variety in your types of coverage. Your business may need commercial auto insurance if you use any vehicles in the course of doing business, for example. You need protection from liability when it comes to inventory loss, crime, and natural disasters. For everything that could damage your investments or prevent you from doing business, it’s wise to get insurance. But there’s one type of insurance that many business owners forget about.
Professional liability & protecting your staff
Professional liability is a type of coverage that protects you from a mistake that becomes a claim. This could be negligence, failure to render services, or even malpractice. Third parties or even internal parties can make a claim like this. Professional liability protects you as well as your staff against this type of trouble. There are some specific types you should know about. First is E&O, or errors and omissions. If someone forgets something or makes an error, you can get coverage for that. There are also Directors and Officers Liability (D&O), fiduciary liability, and employment practices liability. Your agent can help explain these options and explore what might be appropriate for your business.
Ensure the future
The future of your business depends on you. No one can predict the future, and that’s why insurance exists. Personal insurance should be a given. Professional liability is another smart way to protect yourself and ensure the future success of your business. You should protect your staff, your business investments, and yourself from any liability claims now. Don’t wait for a mistake to become a costly claim that destroys your business!
You can get personal and professional coverage with us. Contact us to go over options with our team and make sure that you and your business are protected.